Sunday, March 13, 2011


Ok, so I've been noticing that lately people seem to be blogging more about fitness, diets and weight loss. So I figured since it seems to be working for others, maybe it will work for me! I started a no sugar (as in desserts) and no soda diet about a month ago and tho it seems like it's taking forever, I'm actually starting to lose weight. Very slowly, but that is the only thing I've changed. If anything, I'm not being as careful as I should be with the rest of my diet as in eating too much pizza and fatty foods lately. I think since I'm not eating desserts and curbing my sweet tooth I'm having a harder time being strict in the other area's of my diet. So starting tomorrow I'm going to be trying a little harder in that area. Mon-Thurs I can do great, making sure I've had my fruit and veggie servings throughout the day but Fridays and the weekends are hard for me. Working full time has taken a bit of a toll on my workouts lately too. I am having such a hard time making it to the actual gym once I've come home and all I want to do is sit down and eat dinner. I've been doing ok with working out at home doing Jillian Michaels or P90X but I figure I'm paying for the membership I need to be going more! Plus I get a better and harder workout it seems at the gym.
So yeah, just wanted to write this to kind of keep myself accountable with my eating during the weekends. If I continue to lose like I have been the last 2 weeks or so I'll be down to my wedding weight by May!! I think I can do it!
Things at work have been going good too.. Finished up my 3rd week there, soo hard to believe that!! It was a pretty good week too. Every day is looong, but it is getting better every day I'm there! I think it can only keep getting better! God is so good in providing like He did.. I'm so thankful for this job! Thank you Lord!
Graduation is less than 2 months away! I can't believe it! I remember finding out that we would have to wait till May to graduate and thinking.. that is SOO far away!! My parents are coming out too! Wahoo! May is going to be a busy month! We are adding another sister to our Christensen family! Tim is getting married May 28th to the lovely Heidi Cardoza! So thankful for my inlaws, I've been truly blessed!
Well, I'm off to go get ready for tomorrow!
<3 Beth

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Job!!

First of all.. I got the job!! I started last Monday the 21st! And man, it is a looot of new stuff. I think I'm finally getting it tho... Thank goodness, too many more days of wanting to cry at my lunch break from a rough morning I don't think I could take! It's going good tho, everyone is so nice and helpful, even tho I'm new and still learning they have all taken me under their wing and made me feel at home! I really like it! Can't wait to have a few months under my belt so I can actually sound like I know what I'm talking about!

Apparently there was a discussion at work over how old I was lol!! Oh man.. I guess I don't age. Just recently saw a pic of myself at 16 and I literally look exactly the same!! GAH! Don't know how to change that tho?? I didn't start wearing makeup till I was like 17 so that old pic I wasn't even wearing any! So I guess my makeup job needs to be a little better... Maybe update the hair.. Any ideas?? I'm thinking maybe shoulder length, some bangs and a darker color or the highlights/lowlights with the red? I looved that.. I might do that. Can't decide on the bangs tho.. Kinda nervous to try anything too new or too short!! I just might end up looking 16 until I'm 30! haha!! I do plan on using my college I.D. until people start catching on...

So I've been working on my diet lately, went on a sugar fast with my mom till my graduation May 7th! So far so good, no cheating! Which is amazing for me since I have a major sweet tooth! I've also cut out soda which is another huge deal! No results yet, still working on the rest of the diet haha! I have about 9 weeks till they are here and I would love to see some change. It is SO hard to workout when working full time... I've been pulling 10 hour days all week and I'm beat by 6:30... It's so hard to get the energy to go to the gym or jump on the spin bike.. I gotta work on that.. So far this week I've got 2 workouts in. Still trying to get my usual 5 days in! It's going to take some time I think to get into the habit. Have to do it tho! My body does not respond well to no exercise.
Broke our washing machine last weekend.. UGH. Hopefully we can just fix our old one, poor Chris had such a fiasco with the repair place today. He was going to have it all fixed up and ready for me when I got home. It was so sweet!! But he got it home and it DUMPED water all over the floor... They didn't fix it. So he has to take it all the way back tomorrow and tell them they better fix it for free or give him his money back!! Hopefully it all works out! I need my washer! lol!
Oh... tired tonight.. I already feel like falling asleep and it's 9:30!! I'm so old.