Thursday, September 30, 2010


Holy cow,
It's FALL!!! Where did summer go?! Totally felt like I wasn't able to truly enjoy summer because of school.. oh well, it was worth it and hopefully next summer I'll be working and able to enjoy it even more! ha! Next year is going to be so different!
Only a month and a half left folks! 5 1/2 months went entirely too fast. Good and bad really. Can't believe it! Things are going really good still, finally feeling like I'm starting to know my stuff a bit more. Still have a looot to learn and it will be hard first starting out in a real office environment! Please be praying for me to be placed in a good office with a dentist that is patient and willing to teach me and doesn't freak out over little things. I keep hearing scary stories of other people in extern getting a scary dentist/office manager and that just terrifies me! I know that it isn't permanent and if I keep a positive and teachable attitude it will help but yeah.. mean dentists are just scary! So I'm pretty nervous about that.. And also pray for confidence and for me to not be insanely nervous haha! It's going to be here before I know it!
Life has been good lately! Work is really slow for Chris so that has been hard, but God sustains us and has been so good. We are not lacking in anything! :) He is still working towards getting his GRE in Pyschology. He's been studying like crazy! If he does good on this test it would cut down his school time a LOT and that would be a good thing since we are down to about 9 months till he would hopefully be starting academy! So pray for him on October 9th if you think about it!
I'm also preparing for a big test on the 8th. My Missouri Basic Skills test is that day! If I can pass that it opens the door for me to continue my education and have a chance to improve my skills in other areas called expanded functions. Basically that means depending on the classes I choose I can do more than just an average DA. Which would be awesome! Still getting straight A's at school, it's exciting!! Looks good on a resume too.. ;)
So coming up here soon we are going up to KC for a Chiefs vs. Bronco's game with some friends! It's going to be CRAZY cold, but I can't wait! GO Broncos!!
Well, I'm off to the gym!