Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life is wonderful

These last couple weeks have been pretty awesome! So hard to believe that we are almost done with a month of school! Only about 6 months left! Our teacher resigned.. which was really sad.. She was pretty awesome, so we'll see how I feel about school in the next couple weeks haha! God is good and He placed me here so He has a plan!
I was able to see my wonderful mom last week... It was so nice. The weekend went crazy fast, which I knew it would, but it was better than not getting to see her at all! We are hoping in September possibly to make a trip out to Colorado! Chris hasn't seen our Colorado friends in almost a year! It will be another super short trip, but I'm so lucky to be able to see them as much as I do already. I have a lady in my class who just saw her mother for the first time in 7 years this weekend!! CRAZY!! I couldn't imagine going that long!
Today my lovely husband is taking me for a much needed date and scrub shopping outing!! We're trying a couple different places to see if I can find some cute scrubs for cheap. We are required to wear them to school so it's kinda important to have decent ones lol! I've been wearing the school issued ones and wow... I look like a boxy bag.. haha! I am liking it so far! It's so crazy how much we are learning.
SO yeah, excited for my date. He's so awesome, I <3 him.. :)
Other than that, not too much so far. It's been a great last week/s and I'm looking forward to summer! Jenny and I are planning on going to the pool after school once it gets nice! Can't wait!
Had our first "real" tornado threat the other day! I was up early working and the sirens went off and I didn't think much of it until I looked outside and WOW.. PITCH black skies!! I was kinda freaking out since it was the first time this had happened... I'm kinda a wuss... So I grabbed Chris and we watched as the sky just POURED and the tv was saying.. get yourself to shelter! haha! Turns out it was nothing and that was the end! Kind of a funny day tho lol.
Well I'm off! Gotta go get pretty for my husband lol! Right now it's not lookin' so hot.. ;)
<3 Beth

Sunday, May 2, 2010

If I was a flower growing wild and free all I'd want is you to be my sweet honey bee...

Had that song in my head.. :) It's so cute and wistful and makes me think of my wedding lol.
Can't believe we are almost to one year!! It doesn't seem like it's been that long already. I'm so hoping we can take a trip up to Big Cedar for that weekend but I'm also hoping my husband is planning something special, so we'll see.. :) Our first year has been awesome! I think being together for so "long" before we got married really did help. I really feel like we adjusted pretty easy! He's so easy going most of the time so that helps too huh? He evens me out.
So far school has been awesome! One week down! Crazy we'll be done in only 7 months! I am so praying God provides a job soon after school because I'm ready to have a job that will help me and Chris save for a house, save for our Mexico vacation we want to go on someday with all our friends and save for our future! Someday we do want kids and I want to have a few years of working down before we do that so that I can take time off to stay home! Weird to think of someday having kids, I think they will be exact clones of us.. We already look so similar lol! Our kids are going to be little blonde/brown blued eyed kids haha!
Back on the school subject! It's awesome! I'm a little bummed tho, our teacher just resigned and so we only have her for another 2 weeks... and then we get another teacher to finish up our time there! *sigh* kinda sad.. She was SO awesome.. Oh well, God knows and will provide someone awesome for us one way or the other... :) So it's going good! Learning a LOT and very fast, but it's great! I already feel smarter!
Let me tell ya what tho.. Changing my schedule, getting up earlier... I'm such an old lady!! I so hope my body adjusts to this SOON because goodness, being sleepy at 3 in the afternoon is hilarious! Hopefully not too much longer for the internal clock to re-set!
My mom comes this weekend!!! CAN'T WAIT!! Haven't seen her in a couple months, and I miss her! It's gonna be a good weekend! Hopefully I won't have too much homework to try and get done, because it's going to be a short weekend as it is... :(
Well, I'm off! School starts bright and early!
<3 Beth