Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Success is a wonderful word!! I think I like it! My success recently has been finally losing my wedding weight! I'm incredibly stoked to be back down to my small sizes and finally feeling healthy again! It took a lot of work and self control but I am BACK! WOOT! Now to tone, gotta hit the gym and really see what I can do! Still working with the Jillian Michaels workouts, heard they work awesome for women and I'm super excited for more results! Now to stick with it.. hard when you like any and all food haha! There IS such a thing as self control.. hmm... gonna have to remember that.. So worth it tho..
Well, hubby is gone right now.. Off in Arkansas helping a friend out for a few days.. Weird being home alone! Kinda lonely.. I decided I'm not a person who could live all by myself! I like company.. :)

School is going good, can't believe how fast it is going! But the more time I spend in school the more I'm ready to just get out there and get my career started! Sooo nervous about those first couple months... Once you are there and in the field, I feel like you really don't know what you're doing.. But I just want it to be here so I can get the awkwardness out of the way haha!

So Chris has been looking into the schooling he'll need for the State Patrol out here.. Kind of daunting, but I know he can do whatever he puts his mind too.. I'm so nervous of those six months he'll be at the academy.. If the prospect of being alone for the next couple days is sad and lonely, what will it be like to have him gone for 5 out of 7 days a week for 6 months?? I know we'll cross that bridge when we come to it tho. I'm hoping I'll have a job by then to keep me mostly occupied so it doesn't seem so lonely. At least I'll know he's safe, unlike so many wives who's husbands are overseas in the military. I am thankful for that!

Things have been so wonderful lately. I have the most amazing husband and I'm so blessed to have him. He came home with flowers for me the other day, out of the blue, no prompts or anything! Makes me feel so special to know he was thinking of me during his day!
Love him.. :)

On the creative side, got my table runner back after a little while at the quilters... Needless to say.. It's super cute! Albeit a little crooked, but who's looking that close?? Creative I am not haha! I may be a bit of a perfectionist in other areas, but definitely not when it comes to quilting! ;) Thanks to my wonderful mother in law and sis in law for all the help, I would seriously be lost otherwise haha!

Well, I am off! Not sure of my plans for the evening.... Kinda weird not hanging out with Chris! Miss him!!
Hope everyone's week is going fantastic!!

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