Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ah Jillian

Wow, I pretty much love Jillian Michaels... I've been doing her No More Trouble Zones, 30 Day Shred and every now and then the killer cardio workout Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. WOW, it's awesome! I've noticed little changes already. I just ordered her 30 day diet book and cannot wait to get started!
I want to get healthy and fit and be in better shape than I was at my wedding! I think I underestimate myself and man, it feels good to start seeing change and to see muscle coming back and to be making a difference in my health. We've been adding so many more veggies to our diet and working on eating more frequently and healthier portions. I am still working on the running thing... Ugh, I wish I loved it! I just need to force myself to get into the habit of it, once I get into the habit of it, like working out, I'll want to do it and need to do it to feel good! I can't wait to reach my goals and to feel good.
So things haven't been to busy lately, just the norm. We've been battling a cold between the both of us, Chris is worse off than I am. I have just the nose thing and he's been feeling way ickier, tired, stuffy... Poor guy. I hope he get's better soon, I know its getting old for him. Tomorrow we go to the Drs. office to get xrays to see how his leg is doing. I'm SO hoping the Dr. gives the okay for him to take the boot off and start rehabilitating his leg. It's going to be a long haul for him, he's lost so much mobility already and it's only been six weeks. It will be so hard the first couple of weeks trying to get back into even walking, much less all the calf exercises he'll need to do in order to get the flexibility back. I'm excited for him to be back to normal tho, these past couple of weeks have been hard on him. You never realize how much you use something until you can't anymore! God has been soo good to us through this whole process and Chris has handled everything so well. We are so blessed.
School starts in about a month and a half! I'm getting excited for the change! Before everything gets 100% finalized I'm going to see about shadowing a dental assistant at a nearby office to see what all I would be doing and if I would like it! I'm excited.
I booked a wedding!! Well, almost haha! She is still working it all out with the parents, who are footing the bill, which I understand! Wow, I'm super stoked! And I'm hoping before the big day I'll have my new camera!! As of now I'm selling my Nikon D70 in hopes of being able to upgrade to the D90!! I'll die of happiness!!

Not too much else at this point, working on another table runner, this time for my kitchen table! I <3 it... :)
Well, I'm off, today is Jillians 30 day shred and then a spinning session! Wish me luck!


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